I’m Sam Nelson

I’m a seer... 

I see the big picture... The little things... The inner workings of people... The opportunity for expansion & a hell of a lot of possibility... 

In seeing people and allowing them to share their experience it brings us all to life... Allows us to leave behind the idea of doing more as the only gateway to having and being more... Allows us to focus on who we need to become instead of what we need to do. I thrive on seeing other people claim their rightful place at the center of their own world... dismantling and re-writing the rules that have been built to keep us dependent on someone or something other than our highest self. Societally taught to self abandon instead of how to become deeply present and trust inner intelligence we disconnect. By disconnecting we lose the opportunity to truly feel... We lose the option to come home to our safe place within... I spent years outsourcing my power... Believing that everyone else was more of an expert on my own alignment than me. Trying to override my self-doubting beliefs with positive thinking I've finally come to realize that I am custom made to live the life of my dreams and the same is true for us all... Each eccentricity... Natural tendency... Every skill... Was purposefully encoded to help us live our lives in the way that brings us most alive… There are no mistakes.

The idea that perfectionism is the only avenue to our purpose and highest calling is beyond the limits of flawed... MALARKEY as Elsie Stevens (Grams) would have said. Perfectionism is not required to live life fully... To post a photo for the world to see... To drink the champagne... To cry for any reason... To become  a bartender in Mexico... To get a hole in one (still working on it)... To have the best sex of your life or to just have a good fucking time.

I am Sam... Wild... Fierce... Messy... Living this big Beautiful vortex of an existence. I’ve abandoned the notion of seeking to control my reality via perfection.  I’ve found sacredness in freezing my ass off at a too early tee time... productivity in slow starts & snooze buttons... and spirituality in every breath... not just when my eyes are closed. 

Whether the quartz bowls are reverberating... My mezcal is spiked with kombucha… or I'm face planting in sand while attempting to run the beach belting Seger... I am both sacred and human.